Manufacturing Digital Transform MDT Platform

MDT, built on SBOS digital transformation platform, comes in three versions: Standard, Premium, and Enterprise. Each version caters to businesses of different sizes and offers features to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and achieve success. Start your free trial today and unleash the power of SBOS MDT platform.
Standard Version
Build a strong foundation for your digital transformation journey with MDT Standard. This entry-level package equips you with essential tools to boost collaboration, organization, and productivity across your manufacturing operations
Key Features:
○ 5GB Cloud Storage: Securely store and access critical documents from anywhere, anytime.
○ Multi-Device Accessibility: Work seamlessly from your mobile, tablet, notebook, or PC for ultimate flexibility.
○ Customization Power: Create custom tables, forms, and databases to tailor the platform to your specific needs
○ Enhanced Communication: Foster smooth collaboration with built-in internal messaging, chats, and task management features.
○ Streamlined Organization: Stay on top of your schedule with to-do lists, notifications, alarms, and a central calendar.
○ Simplified CRM: Managed customers contacts, sales orders, and delivery orders.
MDT Standard is ideal for:
Small to medium-sized manufacturers.
Teams seeking a collaborative workspace solution.
Businesses looking to improve basic organization and communication.
Premium Version
Unlock the full potential of digital transformation with MDT Premium. This comprehensive solution offers a powerful suite of advanced features designed to optimize every aspect of your manufacturing operations.
In addition to all the features of MDT Standard, you get:
○ Shopfloor Management:Gain real-time visibility into production processes, monitor performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions.
○ Procurement Management: Simplify the purchasing process, optimize inventory control, and manage supplier relationships effectively.
○ Finance Management: Automate financial tasks, streamline budgeting and forecasting, and gain valuable financial insights.
○ Office Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, enhance document workflows, and optimize administrative processes.
○ Seamless Integrations: Integrated CRM, WMS, Procurement, Production, and Shopfloor for seamless data flow.
○ Business Intelligence (BI): Leverage powerful analytics and reporting tools to gain actionable insights from your manufacturing data.
○ Human Resource Management (HRM): Streamline HR processes, manage employee information, and improve communication within your workforce.
○ Document Management System (DMS): Centralize and organize all your documents for easy retrieval, version control, and secure collaboration.
MDT Premium Version is perfect for:
Large-scale manufacturing operations
Businesses seeking comprehensive digital transformation.
Companies looking to optimize every stage of the manufacturing process.
SBOS MDT Platform Versions
Choose the business version for end to end automation or start small with team version. For advance customization or on premise deployment request for enterprise verson.
Standard Version
  • 2GB free cloud storage
  • Self create your own custom tables and forms
  • Internal instant messaging
  • Todo tasks, notes taking, reminders
  • CRM and online excel editing
Premium Version
  • 5GB free cloud storage
  • Self create your own custom tables and forms
  • Internal instant messaging
  • Todo tasks, notes taking, reminders
  • CRM and online excel editing
  • Advanced Productivity
  • Warehouse Management
  • Production Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Shopfloor Management
  • Finance Management
  • Business Intelligence BI
Enterprise Version

Enterprise version is for factories that need a highly customized solution to meet their unique requirements. We design our solution to seamlessly fit your unique business processes, offering unparalleled flexibility. Enjoy effortless integration with your existing Excel workflows and a zero learning curve for lightning-fast adoption. Enterprise Version is built upon a robust digital transformation platform, empowering you to scale and evolve with ease.

Complete ERP modules: Customer Relationship Management CRM, Warehousing, Procurement, Production, Shopfloor, Finance, etc

Why Choose SBOS? (1) Tailored Fit: No more compromising your workflow. We adapt to you.(2) Rapid Implementation: Start seeing results immediately. (3) Ease of Use: Anyone in your team can master SBOS, no extensive training required. (4) Scalable Growth: Our platform expands alongside your business ambitions.

Enterprise Version Modules
Enterprise version supports more than 15 ERP modules accross more than 10 sub manufacturing industries such as Printing, Packaging, Automotive, Clothing, Dying, Electronics etc. The following ERP modules can be further customized during an Enterprise Version deployment
Human Resource Management HRM
User Account Information
Employee basic information
Group Organization Structure
Branch information
Employee attendance record
Employee Hour Statistics
Employee overtime statistics
Employee leave statistics
Employee PERF Statistics
Employee salary configuration
Inspire salary payment
Payroll Details
Office Automation OA
To-Do Task
My application
My notifications
Leave application
Overtime Application
Payment Request
Reimbursement Application
Task assignment
Business trip application
Contract Review
Application for regularization
Billing Application
Project Management System PMS
Project Information
Project Member
Project Task WBS
Project scope
Project Gantt
Project Budget
Team Timing
New Knowledge Base
Change Request
Purchase Record
Cost calculation
Charge calculation
Fixed Assets Management AMS
Asset Registration
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Contract
Asset Acceptance
Asset Storage
Asset allocation
Asset Repair
Asset Cleanup
Change Details
Eqpt. monthly depreciation
Dept Monthly Depreciation
Expense Monthly Depreciation
Intelligent Statistics Report BI
Business Dashboard
KPI performance indicators
Customer output value report
Customer monthly O/P value
Business PER O/P Value Report
Mth prod value of biz. PER
In and out stat report
Stat rpt on IAO of aux mater.
Finished goods IAO stat report
Cost Calculation Report
Gross Profit Statement
Payments Receivable Bar Chart
Sales Management PSM
Contact information
Customer Information
Quotation List
Sales Order
Order List Kanban
Production Order
Shipping Instruction
Delivery order library
Return order library
Sales Invoice
Sales Reconciliation
Sales Statistics Report
Warehouse Management System WMS
End product information
Finished BOM
Finished batch
End product storage
End product out of warehouse
End product back warehouse
End product inventory
End product transfer
Waste management
Half-quality management
Material Management
Accessories Management
Purchasing Management System PCM
Supplier Information Base
Raw Material Price Agreement
Raw Material Purchase Request
Raw Material Purchase Order
Supplier Delivery Note
Incoming Inspection Plan
Raw Material Return
Vendor Statement
Supplier Invoice Library
Parts Purchasing Management
Outsourcing Purchase Mgmt
Commodity Purchasing Mgmt
Production Management System PPM
Production Order
Production Schedule
Modify Queue
Production List Kanban
Production Process Kanban
Production Machine Kanban
Material Inventory Kanban
Accessories Inventory Kanban
Employees report piece rate
Employee Report Statistics
QRcode for product storage
QRcode mob-app for storage
Financial Management System FMS
Business Transaction
Cash Bank
General ledger management
Certificate not reviewed
Verified Voucher
Receivables Statistics
Payables Statistics
Sales Reconciliation Library
Sales Invoice Library
Purchase Reconciliation Library
Purchase Invoice Library
ACCT. Standards Statement
Human Resource Management HRM
User Account Information
Employee basic information
Group Organization Structure
Branch information
Employee attendance record
Employee Hour Statistics
Employee overtime statistics
Employee leave statistics
Employee PERF Statistics
Employee salary configuration
Inspire salary payment
Payroll Details
Office Automation OA
To-Do Task
My application
My notifications
Leave application
Overtime Application
Payment Request
Reimbursement Application
Task assignment
Business trip application
Contract Review
Application for regularization
Billing Application
Project Management System PMS
Project Information
Project Member
Project Task WBS
Project scope
Project Gantt
Project Budget
Team Timing
New Knowledge Base
Change Request
Purchase Record
Cost calculation
Charge calculation
Fixed Assets Management AMS
Asset Registration
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Contract
Asset Acceptance
Asset Storage
Asset allocation
Asset Repair
Asset Cleanup
Change Details
Eqpt. monthly depreciation
Dept Monthly Depreciation
Expense Monthly Depreciation
Intelligent Statistics Report BI
Business Dashboard
KPI performance indicators
Customer output value report
Customer monthly O/P value
Business PER O/P Value Report
Mth prod value of biz. PER
In and out stat report
Stat rpt on IAO of aux mater.
Finished goods IAO stat report
Cost Calculation Report
Gross Profit Statement
Payments Receivable Bar Chart
Sales Management PSM
Contact information
Customer Information
Quotation List
Sales Order
Order List Kanban
Production Order
Shipping Instruction
Delivery order library
Return order library
Sales Invoice
Sales Reconciliation
Sales Statistics Report
Warehouse Management System WMS
End product information
Finished BOM
Finished batch
End product storage
End product out of warehouse
End product back warehouse
End product inventory
End product transfer
Waste management
Half-quality management
Material Management
Accessories Management
Purchasing Management System PCM
Supplier Information Base
Raw Material Price Agreement
Raw Material Purchase Request
Raw Material Purchase Order
Supplier Delivery Note
Incoming Inspection Plan
Raw Material Return
Vendor Statement
Supplier Invoice Library
Parts Purchasing Management
Outsourcing Purchase Mgmt
Commodity Purchasing Mgmt
Production Management System PPM
Production Order
Production Schedule
Modify Queue
Production List Kanban
Production Process Kanban
Production Machine Kanban
Material Inventory Kanban
Accessories Inventory Kanban
Employees report piece rate
Employee Report Statistics
QRcode for product storage
QRcode mob-app for storage
Financial Management System FMS
Business Transaction
Cash Bank
General ledger management
Certificate not reviewed
Verified Voucher
Receivables Statistics
Payables Statistics
Sales Reconciliation Library
Sales Invoice Library
Purchase Reconciliation Library
Purchase Invoice Library
ACCT. Standards Statement
Product Supported Devices
SBOS support equipment: PC computer/notebook/tablet computer/mobile phone/printer/scanning gun/card machine/RFID card reader
Manufacturing Business Value Chain
Platform Logical Architecture
Solution Implementation Process
Project Planning
Establish clear goals and timelines for a successful transition.
Detail Requirements
Collaboratively identify your specific needs and functionalities.
Configure SBOS to perfectly match your unique business processes
Go Live
Launch the system seamlessly with comprehensive training and support
Business Outcomes
Increased Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and automation save valuable time and resources.
Enhanced Visibility: Gain real-time insights into your entire operation, enabling informed decision-making.
Improved Collaboration: Foster seamless teamwork through a unified platform.
Boosted Customer Satisfaction: Deliver exceptional service through powerful CRM and project management tools.
Reduced Costs: Eliminate inefficiencies and optimize spending for long-term savings.